Caranya dengan menggunakan Billhack2... maka anda cukup bayar harga pertama anda log in spt Rp.500 slamanya
1. Instal Billhack
2. Isi nomor IP server
3. tekan conect
4. Isi nomor client anda
5. Hack now
NetCut is a Software that helps you admin your network by purely on ARP protocol .
List IP-MAC Table in secs, turn off & On network on any computer on your LAN
including any device like router , switcher. Also, netcut can protected
user from ARP SPOOF attack
High intimate :Pure ARP protocol kernel.enhenced cut off funcation, that no one
can escape from your cut off unless he have netcut installed and with
protected funcation enabled.
Easy to use: One click to Protect user Computer Function!!! No one in the
network can cut you off with ARP spoof technology anymore .
Effective: one Click to Cut down any computer s network connection to the
gateway. IYFT:Get all IP addresses of the computers in your LAN(Local Area Network)
in Secs High applicability:Work in office LAN,school LAN,or even ISP LAN Have
Fun with play the online computer make them online or off line remotely Safe:
TRACE Free, No one will TRACE out what happen and last More Stable,swich-hub
or hub or cable lan any Lan use Ethernet
( kesimpulan netcut merupakan aplikasi yg bisa digunakan untuk memotong koneksi komputer lain yg satu LAN dengan kita atau SATU WARNET )
Download NetCut2.8.1
Download Pasword NetCut2.8.1
1. INSTAL jamilah.exe
2. Cari client.exe/billclient.exe
3. Klik kanan , tekan Suspend
4. Slamat Billing Anda terhenti
5. aplikasi ini jangan di tutup
6. Jika Anda telah Puas Ngenetx
7. Klik kanan pada client.exe/billclient.exe lalu klik resume
8. Sukses dech hack u
Download Jamilah.exe